Addicted to Etsy
And lemme tell ya, this stuff is dangerous.
Inspiration is an evil thing to get addicted to. You start visualising crazy ideas, of what if I'd do this full-time and just spend my days coming up with ideas and then creating them.
And then, you really really really have to get to the nearest craft store. All the endless supplies. All the endless ideas! Damn the day only having so many hours!
Been visiting Etsy like crazy lately, and have been infected with an creative bug. Wanting to create bags, clothes, jewellery, toys - anything. Not that I'd sell any of the stuff - it'd take way too much time and effort to start doing stuff for an online shop. Even if it'd be only one or two items, still.
Maybe eventually.
Right now I'm just using all my creative skills to do things that I like and think are cool, and thus prolly wouldn't sell them anyway.
Not that I've done a whole range of products so far, at the moment I've succeeded in creating a taxi-bag and a poor bunny who got caught on the wrong side of the lucky-rabbit-foot thing.
I have a soft toy that cringes in pain.
Quite proud of it I am =).
Enuf about that, gonna go finish my tea and then answer the sweet call of my sewing machine =)
Tyokaveri kertoi pari paivaa sitten olleensa sukeltelemassa parin kaverin kanssa, kun naki hain uivan ohi. Kolmemetrinen valkohai.
Heti ei hoksannut mista oli kyse, mutta havahtui pian ja ymmarsi, etta hai oli matkalla toista kaveria kohti. Nama kaksi lahtivat siis etsimaan kaveriaan, eli uivat haita kohti.
Samaan aikaan hai oli puraissut kadonnutta kaveria, tosin kateen kiinnitetty harppuuna esti haita sulkemasta suutaan. Sukeltaja sitten yritti piiloutua hailta erinaisiin onkaloihin, mutta ei voinut pysya paikoillaan koska ei veren paljoudelta nahnyt ymapilleen. Oli liikuttava ja valtettava haita.
Kaverit saapuivat, ja hinasivat vaurioituneen miehen pinnalle. Kolmannella sukeltajalla oli saareen kiinnitetava elekroninen vempain, joka repellaa haita, eli joutui istumaan veneen laidalla jalat verisessa vedessa lilluen, kun kahta uuta nostettiin veneeseen silta varalta, etta hai palaisi.
Eli kaikkea sita voi kuullakin ihan tavalliseen "so, what did you do over the weekend?"- kysymykseen.
Hhhyi samperi!
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