Saturday, July 08, 2006

Heeeeeere's Johnny!

Ok, I lied, it's actually me. But still, the point being - I'm here!


Soooo, it's been about a week since my last post, and for once it's not due to being lazy and living an uneventful life. Because my dear followers, if you've been paying attention, you'll know that I've started working, hooray!

I'm spending my days at a day-care centre looking after kids of 2-6. They're all more adorable than a sack of bunnies, and makes going to work not really feel like going to work. It's not a bad place to be in.

Except the whole 'early morning' -thing. Been getting up at 7am for the past week. Then today I decided that dammit, I'm a-sleep for as long as I can, enjoy my time not having to get up and get ready for anything.

So I woke up at 9am ready for the world.

Two hours more, people.

I managed two hours more.

Normally, even if I try my hardest I cannot get up at 9am.

Damn the circadian rythm of a normal, functioning member of the society!

Other stuff going on at the moment, a friend is getting married next month so it'll be all exciting and hooray hooray. Need to slightly alter my dress though, the straps are a wee bit too long now.

Eh, I'll get around to it eventually...


And well, that's all folks.

Ta ta for yarr!


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