Got a distinct feeling of Spain again today.
You see folks, I was supposed to have one of my exams today, arranged it with the teacher a good few weeks ago. So I go to uni, after some panicky, hasty study, and armed with my dictionary and my trusty pencil-case.
"So when is it that you have your exam?"
- Err, today...?
"Today? Really? Well, no no, that's not really good. How's Tuesday for you?"
-Tuesday. Ok, fine, Tuesday
By the way, I've been watching way too much of Grey's Anatomy lately, but it's just too damn addictive.
Only a week to go, and then I'll be back in Finland again. Mixed feelings about this. Now don't get me wrong, I'm insanely happy to go home and to see everyone again, with a special mention to RMATS, and all that. Hoorays all around for that.
But for the last four months I've been living in this house of sticky floors and loud dutch people, and grown quite fond of the international feel of the place. And I know that even if I stayed here for longer there wouldn't really be that much time before everyone else who I know in this house would be gone too. By mid-June most of the folks here will have gone back to their homecountries. So it's good that I go now, I get to say my ttfn's to all =).
But now, I'm a-going to make tea to soothe me over the very Spanish incident of my morning I mentioned above.
Seriously, yarr.
Hola chica!
It takes a looong time for that window to open, seriously! :) So, don't have intelligent comments to make, as you sit opposite me.. :P Hugs, Susanita
Peese, valvoja sanoi justiin etta vaikkariaihe kusee ja nyt olen ihan ulalla etta mita tehda. Kahden viikon paasta pitaisi jonkinlainen suunnitelma olla valmiina, mutta mista? Ah ei hyva, ei hyva.
No pylly. Eihän tuommonen oo reilua! Antoko se mitään osviittaa siitä että millanen aihe ois parempi?
He made me pick it up.... with my anus!
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