So I'm back, from outer space..
Greetings from my roadtrip that is =).
We went to Aragon, more specifically to near Barbastro and Torreciudad, stayed in a nice hostel-type place, from where we headed to various excursions the area had to offer.
Saw the medieval village of Aínsa, the Torreciudad cathedral a couple of times (Catholic folk travelling with me, more about that a bit later...), and the really nice national park and canyon of Añisclo. Took a lot of photos, most of which I deleted, because I really couldn't tell the difference between all the scenic shots I'd at the time thought to be oh so good.
Oh and quick note about the camera, as I mentioned in my previous post, I don't have mine with me. Thus I borrowed DF's digital camera, though she warned me that at a previous party someone had sat on it or something, and it still takes pictures, though they all turn out blurry, so not sure how well the photos will turn out. Thought I'd take it in any case, it's atleast something.
Once I looked at the camera closer I figured that hell, I can fix it. I mean, I'm no technical whiz as such, but I'm not completely helpless when it comes to some technology.
I set upon my task, and only in a matter of moments I could take clear and sharp photos again.
There was a fingerprint on the lens.
So, the Catholic companions I mentioned earlier. Nice, wonderful girls. Very sweet, and even though I only knew one even somehow, and the rest completely new acquaintances, twas not a problem having me on board. The weekend was spent conversing in equally broken spanish and english, and worked quite well.
Now I've had something of a rant on religion before, but I really don't have anything against individuals, as long as they don't try to convert me. Well, by the end of the weekend I got asked in amazement that don't I really ever get the need to pray, and maybe I just don't know yet, and howbout I take these instructions on how to pray properly to the holy virgin.
And then the incident of which I already ranted in Sponge Girl's comments - the movie-censorship. We were watching The Island, and as the movie came to the point where all Hollywood movies eventually come to - the love scene, one of the girls got up, and blocked the projector till all that heavy breathing passed.
Ya say whaaat?
I was quite baffled.
I mean, OK, the characters had not gotten married or anything, so twas premarital. But honestly, what would you see in such a scene? Two heads bobbing close to each other, dim lighting, panting, bare arms.
They block this, but happily watch people shooting each other, or blowing up cars and such. Killing is fine to see, but not a bit of movie love.
Anywho, this is turning out to be a reeeeally long post, so I'll spare you more rambling. Till later folks.
Isn't it the Catholic youth (in Brazil, anyway) who believe that if it's got the prefix "anal", then it ain't sex? ...Therefore making it really quite possible to have a fulfilling relationship or two as you "grow up", and still get married a virgin.
Logical and convenient.
I say you start blocking out the images of death - or affluence. Repent, and think of the poor people.
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