Nobody expects Spanish efficiency
The ones who've read this blog before might have noticed the slight dislike I have for the internet connection of my house.
I'm glad to say that I no longer have that problem.
Because how can you dislike what you don't have?
Yep. A couple of days ago our connection cut out, and this time we got our hands on the contract and network support number only after a day without a connection. Roped someone with adequate Spanish skills to call them up, and after being passed around from department to another for about fifteen minutes we found out that the contract for our connection has been cancelled.
What the..??!
Soo, we got in touch with the landlady, who called the person who's name the connection is under, and as a reply she goot "Oops" basically. He was supposed to cancel another connection, and not ours.
So now we're hoping that maybe it'll work again tomorrow...
'But where is she posting from now?' I hear you all think. Well with the bliss of a tightly built suburb and unsecured wireless connections a-plenty, I'm riding on my neighbours connection, alongside half the people of my house mind you..
Anywho, that's all for now, here's hoping that the connection will be back up tomorrow...
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