It's been a while. Again.
Gah, see what the working life does to a girl? No energy to update, and pretending to be too busy during the weekends as well. In reality, nothing much has really been happening.
I spend my weekdays working, getting home, eating, taking a nap, watching some anime (currently Samurai Champloo) with the RMATS, and then off to bed, trying to mentally prepare myself for yet another morning of 7am.
But it's been nice, the kids are still cute, and it's good having something of a routine in life.
But only for a week and a half more, then I can get back to the sweet, sweet sleeping in. Perhaps soon getting up at 9am won't feel like I've had a really decent lie-in.
Ah well, better go get make-up and breakfast sorted out, and head out for today then.
Oh, and for a while now (possibly the whole week) I'll be using RMATS' bike to get to work, as on Saturday night I was sorta too lazy to cycle back from town in the middle of the night, and there was a bus so conveniently nearby, and and yeah. Still haven't gotten around to fetching the thing. Eventually...
Up up, and a-yarr!
Tuli mieleen pari paivaa sitten, etta sitten joskus kun meilla on lapsi, ja tenava haluaa pukeutua supersankariksi, innostuisiko B:kin juoksemaan pitkin pihaa Batmanina. Mita herra itse vastasi?
"Depends whether I'm on my way to work or not."
Tuli vain mieleen sinun sopoista tenavista...
Esitelma tuli pidettya, ja nyt on taas motivaation vahan heikoilla. Eikohan se tasta... Mina aloitan tuutoroinnin ylihuomenna, enka vielakaan hallitse aivan ihan kaikkea. Eh.
I guess all I'm trying to say is, just because it's purple and gooey, doesn't mean you should run to see a doctor immediately.
Heipä hei =)
Nyt ollaan taas Hollolassa,ja meillä on nuorimmat tättähäärät täällä kans kesälapsina ja sillain.
Kohta pitäs tehä jotain kouluhommiaki muka oikeesti ja ääh. Ei sitä ihan heti jaksais. Vastahan sitä toukokuussa tuli tehtyä jotain..
No joo.
Täältä tähän,
it was enormous.
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