Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Tharr be pirates..!

And I be the last to see them, yarr, tis a sad fate!

Meaning that tomorrow RMATS and I will finally go see the second installment to the Pirates of the Caribbean family, now that everybody else has already seen it.

But the lateness is ok, we're making up for it by having a pirate theme night then - we'll both be dressed up as pirates (we even made ourselves some leather wrist cuffs and eye-patches today), then we'll go raid the town and escape with our booty (Chinese take-away), head back to our secret hiding place, and start celebrating and drinking rum (&coke).

Yes, we're cool like that. We're going on a pirate date.

Other than that life's pretty much same old. Got back from the parental units this weekend, and now I'm spending my days avoiding study. I even went to the library, so I have books at home I can avoid reading.
Oh, and we did some re-organising of this flat of ours, and spent too much money on new stuff, but it all looks cool, and the place is a bit more homely again.

Can't think of anything else for the moment, so till later and yarr that.


Blogger Sponge Girl said...

A pirate date! Yay! It's like something Calvin would dream up if he ever built uo the courage to ask Suzie out.

On taas laiskotuttanut taallakin - viimeiset pari viikkoa muistutin oppilaille, etta lukukauden novelli pitaa olla hyvissa ajoin luettuna, etta osaa keskustella aiheista ja niin. Itse vasta aksen sain sen lukaistua, huomenna jo tuutti (nolo) - and that would be the last place I'd hide a pigeon.

I mean, I'm not a complete trollop, you know.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to go on a pirate date.
and, failling that, I want to learn enough Finnish to know where spongegirl put the pigeon?!??!
Dang monolinguism. Yes I made that word up. Do you like it? You have my permission to borrow it.
I think I've said enough.

6:11 AM  

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