Mmmm, phlegm.
Ahh, the title of my previous post refers to a person who I am truly in need of. As modern medicine has been unable to find a cure to the common cold, I say Dr Nick should be well and truly capable of curing it.
It's been a while since posting, and let's see what's been happening.
- Finished my prac, which I mentioned in my previous post
- Got sick, which I mentioned just above
- Ran out of things that have happened
- Yes.
There ya go then.
Well ok, study-wise my next prac is slowly starting up, and I have a bit of studying and stuff to do for this weekend, so let's hope I'll be all non-groggy once I attempt that.
Oh oh, I can access The Superficial again, hooray! I have been getting my celeb-gossip fix somewhat satisfied over at Celebitchy, but frankly - they're just too nice sometimes. Superficial folk do it nastier I say, and that's the way (a-ha, a-ha) I like it.
Gawd I'm shallow.
Honestly, there really really isn't much of a point to this blog, as I seldom even post, rarely have anything interesting to say, and bring out my love for pirate-sayings waaay too much. Yarr.
There have been some crazy relationship-shenanigans discussed, but lately there hasn't even been any of that. Which is quite cool actually, I'm a big fan of a hassle-free life.
Ahh, and suppose I could tell you folks as well - tomorrow marks the first anniversary of me & roommate-and-then-some becoming that 'and-then-some'. So hooray for that =).
Aanywho, till later and such. Yarr come back now, y'hear?
Shallow is as shallow does, puppet.
Kuka piti eilen luennon, kuka? Ja nyt se on sitten ohi. Monia viikkoja sita jannittanyt ja nyt - pelkka synkka yo.
Kaytiin pari paivaa sitten meidan valokuvaajan juttusilla niista kihlakuvista ja tilattiin muutama kipale.
Muuta kummempaa ei tahan hataan, se siun jahla on vielakin muovipussissa meidan olohuoneen lattialla. Olen naas saamaton.
Fortunately the space bunnies pulled it out before it got really nasty.
Uuu, jahloja mulle, jeejee =).
Teen muka kouluhommia, muttako muttako. Ei vaan saa itestään ny irti mitään. Tekis vaan mieli kattoa animea ja kutoa - eli ei tarttis ajatella mitään. Jotenkin semmosessa saamattomuutta ylläpitävässä olotilassa.
Ja toisaalta sei ny haittaa yhtään. Ahh, lazyness..
Mutjoo, tää menis ny. Pääjäile ja sillain, you lecturetastic minx =)
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