Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hoo boy, I'm a-gettin' lazy.

Indeedy, I've thoroughly neglected my poor blog for more than a month. Shame on me, truly!

But what have I been doing in the mean time? Well, life hasn't really been anything else other than that final teaching prac, which will thankfully end next week. We're in the middle of getting the Xmas pageant done at the school, and all sorts of crazy things like that. But only a few more days to go, hooray!

Then there's getting presents organised and such like, and to my horror I've actually managed to get nearly everything done, and it's still a week to xmas! Honestly, usually it's the last 2 days that I panic and run around like a rabid animal, but no sirree, not this year. This year I planned ahead. Scary.

What else, what else?
Spose I could share an interesting dream I had the other day when my 15minute nap sorta streched to a couple of hours.

I woke up at my workplace, which was none other than the Beckham residence, as I was their nanny. I'd been taking a nap, and realised that I should've been working for a while now, eeek! So I got up with a start, saw their middle age Spanish maid, who told me that Vic&David were in their bedroom. I went to see them, they were in their pajamas playing Scrabble on the bed, while the tv was on in the background.

Both were all smiles, and apparently I looked really cute while asleep, so they didn't want to wake me up. Off I went to find their kids, walking down many stairs, which were insanely steep, and of course, being employed by Victoria, I was wearing stupidly high heels as work shoes. I found their eldest son, about 10-11 years old, and we went for a walk around the huge palace of a house. In the basement of their house they had a gaming arcade.

The boy had something on his mind, and he'd lost something that he couldn't get back, and I asked how that made him feel.
-"Like I want to stab penises. Do you ever feel like that? What did you feel like when you lost something?"
"... Well, yes sometimes I've felt like stabbing penises too. But usually if I lose something, I really feel like getting someone to hug me."
-"Yeah, I think I'd like that too actually."
So I gave the tyke a hug, and off we went to play air-hockey.
Then I woke up.

Honestly, The Superficial and Celebitchy are dangerous.

I think that's about enough for now, off to do assignments!

Y'arr come back now, y'hear?


Blogger Sponge Girl said...

Penis stabbing, eh?

(Soori muuten arveli, ettei sun ehka tarvikaan olla meilla yota - tai ainakin toivoo hartaasti, ettet hukkaa mitaan taalla ollessasi...)

And I thought, sure, but wouldn't you butter it first?

3:01 AM  
Blogger Mirri said...

Err.. niinko mitä hukkaisin? I don't get it.

When I grow up, I wanna be a principal. Or a caterpillar.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Sponge Girl said... in feeling like stabbing penises when you lose something. Less than healthy for the penis-endowed ones amongst us.

Et nih.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Mirri said...

Ahhh, jokes, I get them!

See, ha ha!
I laugh, I'm smart!

.... I put Jessica Simpson to shame...

11:29 AM  

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