Friday, February 10, 2006

In Barcelona!

In Barcelona.
Well, it’s not a shit start. Could’ve been a whole pile worse, let me tell you.
I’m currently in my hostel room, I’ve got a nice comfy bed, and even a small balcony, with pretty views.
Views can be had when one is high enough, in this case 6 floors is high enough.

Whaddaya mean elevator? Pfft.

Yep, I carried my 21 kilos of stuff up the seemingly neverending stairs, and bruised my knee on the way. Sent a few messages of complaint, but did not receive adequate sympathy. Stupid lack of elevators. Honestly, who puts a hostel on the 6th floor?? Seriously.
Oh well, now it’s done, and won’t have to move my stuff around significantly for atleast four days. In that time I hope to find myself a place to live for this exchange and please please let it be on the first floor, or in a house with an elevator…

Over and out.

Later the same day

Well, it’s about 22:50, and I’m ready to pass out. Sleep is sounding reeeeally good.
After a bit of a lie-down and reading for a while my friend announced that she’s in the city as well, and thus we met up, and started roaming. It was an aimless roam, just talking and catching up, and it was really really good to see her. Before then, thoughts such as ‘what the hell am I doing here’ and ‘no seriously, why the hell am I here, I want to be home’ had been circling, but now it seems more like this might not be such a bad idea after all =).
Though am missing roommate-and-then-some a whole lot. Lots lots. I feel like I’m constantly sending him sms’s and pestering and such, but dammit, when you live with someone, you see them 24/7, you get to talk to them a lot, even if it’s not about anything, even generic chitchat and drinking tea together and all o’ that, and now I got nothing, so yeah.

Back to the rest of the evening.
We also went and had a typical Spanish dinner – fried rice in the chinese place next door. We’ll get authentic later…

Attempted doing bits for an assignment, and managed to write two paragraphs. So yes, am supposed to do an essay for tomorrow. Yep.
The plan is to finish (well, start really..) writing it tomorrow, then find an internet café and send it off, as well as post these.
Am addicted to the internet, will happily admit it. Dunno if it’s sad, or just really 21st century, but I really don’t think that I could live for extended periods of time without word processing facilities and broadband connection.

Tomorrow we’re heading off to hunt for places to live, which hopefully will be successful.

But now, off to the toilet, brush my teeth and all and pass out, ready for new adventures in the morning =).


Blogger Sponge Girl said...

Oooh my poor baby!

Onko asunnonpoikasta loytynyt viela? Onko kaikki ihan manana- meininkia?

Myo kaytiin eilen Frasersissa haamessuilla, ja ne oli ilmaiset eli heti oli kivaa (monet messut maksavat noin $15 etta edes paasee sisaan). Ja Ben oli aivan onnessa koska tarjoilijat kulki ympariinsa ilmaisen ruoan kanssa ja siella oli yksi kakkupaikka jolla oli paljon ilmaisia maistiaisia eivatka edes suuttuneet vaikka kavimme siina yhtenaan hyppaamassa ja ylakerrassa oli viela ilmaista viiniakin! Yleensa varsinkin maksullisilla messuilla saa maksaa jopa kakunpaloista, nyt kaikki oli ilmaista! Siis kaikki! Sain ilmaisen haalehden, olkoonkin etta oli viime vuoden mutta enivei, ja ilmaisen plannerin ja kaikki oli mukavia ja oli hyvaa ja kivaa ja maksettiin varausmaksu eli se on nyt meilla ihan aivan varmasti juhlapaikkana ensi vuonna ja hei ilmaista kakkua!

...etta siina minun eilinen. Tanaan tulee joku rouva tarkastamaan asunnon kun haluaisi kuulemma sen ostaa, etta pitaa olla siistia ja silleen.

Koska sinun opiskelut siella alkavat? Onko ollut yhtaan kielionkelmia? Yritatko saada majapaikan (siis pysyvan) sen kaverin kanssa tai ainakin lahelta?

...and with a rubber chicken, no less!

5:19 AM  
Blogger Mirri said...

Ja, no noihin kysymyksiin tuliki vastaus tuolla ylempana =)

Toivottavasti jotaki loytyy pian, ei tarttis ravata nettikahviloissa... =)

Nymmeen, enaa 7 min aikaa.. =/

8:15 PM  

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