Sunday, April 23, 2006

Back to normal..

Connection-wise that is. It keeps cutting out every now and then, though now it luckily reconnects quite quickly.

Which is good.

Though still damn irritating.

So let's see, what's happened since my last post..?
Found out I've got me a sumemerjob in July, so a big HOORAY to that =). Because a) money is good, and 2) boredom sucks ass. Did that last summer, and got bored up to the point of voluntarily doing schoolwork. Crazy things..

The week has been very literacy-related. Bunch of bookhappenings at our university, and on Friday us exchange students all got to read some poetry or the like in our native languages. I chose the easy option of just reading a bit of Kalevala, which can conveniently be found online. Hooray again!

Today is the day of Books&Roses, the point of which is that lovers would give each other these items as gifts (naturally meaning that men get books and fragile females receive uprooted flora). But anywho, the biggest street in town was filled with rose and book stalls and an endless stream of tourists and locals, browsing through books and looking at pretty roses. Found me a couple of books as well (I'm quite a sucker for books. I think I brought more books than t-shirts with me here...)
Found the Spanish version of Sinuhe the Egyptian, which I've never even read in Finnish, but naturally had to get it once it caught my eye. Plus it only cost a euro..

Back to school again tomorrow, and I've got a bunch of homework I haven't even considered doing yet. I keep telling myself that I'll just get up early tomorrow and do it then. To which I already know that, yeah right - as if. But still, I'm planning on keeping up with this charade of pretending to lie to myself.

Now dear readers I'm going to see what plans dinner has for me (I figure that if I have an actual recipe, then I have plans for dinner. When not, then it's vice versa. It's up to the ingredients what they choose to turn into), so till later.



dude this is the third time I'm trying to post this goddamn thing. Work already!


Blogger Sponge Girl said...


Everything still crazy, though finally have access to computer.

I'd make some sort of joke about loihe lausumaan, but brain no function.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last summer was boring?!?

Hehehehe jk, i comprende. Yay for job-ness.

12:51 PM  
Blogger Mirri said...

Now my beloved HLP you know that the time you were with me and all our crazy adventures - they utterly rocked my world, and was a huge barrel of brilliance that you enabled.
So that bit was not boring at all, and don't ever think so!

So there =)

But the rest of the summer with no job and all, two months of no organised activity gets a bit tedious toward the end..

2:36 PM  
Blogger Mirri said...

Millonka pääsette uuteen taloon? Tavaroiden purkaminen ja järjestely on vielä kamalampaa ku pakkaaminen...


7:43 PM  
Blogger Sponge Girl said...

Tassa menee ehka jopa kolme kuukautta... Eli jee-jee, jerry cotton.

An' I'm cooking for the in-laws today, and ain't at all scared.

5:51 AM  

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