Cold indoors.
Yanno when it's all icky and cold and wet outside, and you can't wait to get indoors into the beautiful welcoming warmth that is your home?
Yeah, well it doesn't happen here.
Seriously people, when it's cold outside, it's supposed to be warm inside. None of this continuous teeth-chattering stuff.
Were it not for fluffy slippers (yea Spongie, I claimed the ones you sent to La Madre, they were a teensy bit small for her, but quite perfect for yours truly =)) I swear my toes would fall off due to frostbite.
Not that frostbite would actually cause bodyparts to fall off.
And fine, fine, it's not literally freezing in here, but still. It's a bit sad that my laptop is my heating element.
That's yarr for now.
Oh and I hadn't turned the washing machine on, but luckily someone spotted my confused, blank stare, and came to my assistance.
Ahh, and also now you can comment even if ye aint a blogger, a hint to you lurkers out there.
Same problems here! Welcome to Spain! Actually, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Granada, when it becomes inhumanly cold they say that ears can fall off. I say they may have relied too much on the sangria as research assistance...
Well I suppose enough sangria will atleast keep your blood from freezing, so maybe that's how these spaniards do it.
Yes, must investigate this further...
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