Seems it's been a while...
.. since my last post, and I do apologise for the silent treatment.
It's not that I've been insanely busy or anything like that, heavens no. Somehow I've just kept pushing the update on and on, with excuses a-plenty.
Well no more I say! No more!
It's nice being back in Freezerville, and in Finland in general. So far my time has been spent seeing relatives (drunk and otherwise), knitting, getting something almost-classifiable-as-productive-uni-workwise done, and smooching with the RMATS. Lots of the latter.
It's weird being back in a way that as it's so easy to get back into the routine of normal life here the exchange feels so distant suddenly, though I've only been back for about three weeks. I really need to get myself a photo album and start getting photos organised and all, so people can see bits of at least some of the shenanigans I've been up to.
Wow, how's that for a rambling non-informative update?
Anywho, I'm off to drink some more tea, find my knitting and start working away again.
up up, and yarr!