Monday, February 27, 2006

Fine then.

Fine people, don't comment, see if I... *sob*...*sniff*...

Ah well, spose if I actually wrote something interesting enough to comment on and actually commented on other people's blogs more often, I might have a couple readers more. So yes yes, ignore that, go back to your lurking =).

Been a bit sick for the last couple of days, as has the rest of this house, but I think (and hope) that I'm getting better. Sure my throat still hurts and there's icky goopy stuff in there, but less than what there was, say yesterday. So hooray!

Need to head off for studies, so yet again a short and manageable post.

Ttfn, yarr!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cold indoors.

Yanno when it's all icky and cold and wet outside, and you can't wait to get indoors into the beautiful welcoming warmth that is your home?
Yeah, well it doesn't happen here.

Seriously people, when it's cold outside, it's supposed to be warm inside. None of this continuous teeth-chattering stuff.
Were it not for fluffy slippers (yea Spongie, I claimed the ones you sent to La Madre, they were a teensy bit small for her, but quite perfect for yours truly =)) I swear my toes would fall off due to frostbite.

Not that frostbite would actually cause bodyparts to fall off.
And fine, fine, it's not literally freezing in here, but still. It's a bit sad that my laptop is my heating element.

That's yarr for now.

Oh and I hadn't turned the washing machine on, but luckily someone spotted my confused, blank stare, and came to my assistance.

Ahh, and also now you can comment even if ye aint a blogger, a hint to you lurkers out there.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Adventure and excitement with the washing machines!

Indeed plural, as there are three machines upstairs, all right next to each other.
Yesterday decided to do some laundry, and thus hauled my pile of clothes waiting to be washed upstairs and outside, only to find the machines occupied. Though I did try opening one of them, and sorta, kinda, broke the handle.
I swear I did not yank or pull, just opened. And it came off. With a snapcrack(lepop)! Then I saw someone elses clothes there, and decided that eh, it's their problem to handle.

So today after my brief stint at uni listening to a lecture I did not understand one word of (but really wasn't all alone in my blank stares, as a whole lot of people were dozing off, playing with their phones, or checking their watches constantly), I decided it was an unlikely time to have anyone else wanting to wash their clothes, and lo, I was right.

Now I think I turned the machine on.

Ya see, it's an old one, and all the helpful diagrams next to the dials have faded long long ago. So I just loaded the machine up, and pressed the button with a light on it. The light lit. Didn't hear any noise from it, hoping that it doesn't require turning a tap on or anything.

Anywho, in an hourish we'll see if I still have more clothes than what I'm wearing currently...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hola again!

So life is definately getting a routine feel to it, and I'm quite comfortable in my little room.

Seems like half the inhabitants of this house are Dutch, so there's a lot of that language flying about. Sounding fery Flemish indeed, crazy language...

Yesterday was a day of roaming around, left here at about noon, got back at 2am. Was quite tired, and I was the first to go home - the rest of our party continued apparently untill 5am... Sheesh, where do people get the energy from, seriously? And on top of that, they spent their evening in a club it cost fifteen euros to get in. INSANE! Four of them had free passes, but the rest coughed up the cash. Crazy people I tells ya.

So far I've found one Spanish feature that I really can't see myself getting used to. The times these people eat. Lunch is sometime between 1-5 pm, and dinner is somewhere between 9-11pm. Nosirree, I'll gladly stick to my Finnish habits of lunch around noon and dinner around 6pm, in the meantimes apples and the like will sustain life.

Tomorrow we'll start our Catalan lessons, which shall be interesting.

Over and yarr.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's been a good day =)

Did some suntannin' on the roof, which was quite quite nice indeed. Met a few more people from the house, and even attempted doing my homework - which was to read a chapter and summarise the key points quickly. It's educational theory, so I've done it about ten times before. Though not in spanish. Crazy language...

But it's been a good day.

My friend called though and said that as she'd been lying on the beach, her bag got stolen. Thus she sprinted after the thieves, and demanded to get her stuff back - and they actually returned everything.

There's a whole list of things that can only happen to this friend o' mine. She's the only person I know whose dog has actually eaten their homework.

Short post this time around, till later =)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Finally a post that'll go straight online.

So yes, no more do I need to type something up, then save it on a memory-stick, then hope to find an internet-den somewhere, then post it. Nope, got me a place to live, with a speedy wireless connection. Yessirree.

So about this new place o'mine. It's a room in a shared flat, shared meaning communal kitchen and laundry facilities. Toilet/bathroom is shared with the room next to mine, and that other room is currently unoccupied. Hooray!

The room has an interior window - yes, a small window facing the hall. Not all that many have windows that actually face outside, which is really really strange.

Oh, and my room's on the first floor, so no goddamn stairs to worry about when I hauled my 21kg of crap here, hooray!

The room itself is a decent size, probably 3x3 metres is my guess, not gonna do any actual measuring. But I can visualise almost two of me lying on the floor against the wall, so that would make it about 3 meters per wall. Very scientific, yes.
I've got a squeaky-as-hell-but-surprisingly-comfy single bed, quite a large cupboard, which I can't fill even close, a small set of drawers and a tiny desk, which was instanly covered by the usual clutter of mine (computer, a few books, makeuup, tea cup, some random jewellery...), and a chair.
I've also got a fitted desk lamp, and a tv, the remote for which requires batteries currently. Haven't actually watched any tv yet, as I find ths machine far more entertaining. Oh,and a waste basket. Got me one of those too.

The first thing I did once I got here, was drag the bed to against a wall. For some insane reason it was set in the middle of the room, making the room really really cramped and tricky to move in. Now it actually looks like I've got some spare space in here.

The kitchen is somewhere I would never dare let my mother in. I think she'd faint in horror. It's got 2 stoves and 3 fridges and endless cupboards, and 2 sets of sinks. The sinks are usually filled with peoples dishes, which are waiting to be washed, and the floor is not to be walked on without shoes of some sort. Yeech. Haven't actually managed to get any warm water out of the kitchen taps, so washing up is a bit of a bitch. Luckily no such problem with showers, wonderful hot showers, with actual water pressure!
Sidenote: People in Britain, I do not know how you can claim ever to hav had a shower, when you breathe with more of a pressure than what the water comes in.

Haven't tried the washing machine yet, we'll see how that goes later.

Later on today a bunch of us exchange students are meeting in town, and some had a plan of heading out to par-tay, something which I'll not go for, as the subways stop running at 12, and I have no idea which night busses come this way. Oh, and we aint meeting till 10:30pm. Crazy people with late starts. I'd be happy to consider curling up with a book at that stage, sheesh.

Seems I cant help myself with the long posts, sorry.

Anywho, till later =)


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

another long post, sorry people... =)


Hola amigos, tengo una place to live!

Hooray for that! But first, more about today

At 10am we had our meeting at the university, and met a lot of very nice people, who were all really helpful and patient with our desperately broken Spanish. Yes there were other exchange students present as well, but they were from Chile, so they had a bit of an advantage..

But we got our courses all figured out, I’ve got arts, English linguistics and didactics (conveniently the courses that I’m currently missing in Freezerville), and then an educational theory course, the content of which is probably something I’ve done already a billion times, but this time, it’ll be in Spanish! =D

Also our host university kindly provided us with a huge file with all sorts of info, and a nifty backpack, which of course didn’t fit the file, but is quite cool nonetheless.

Then my friend and I headed off to meet this woman I’ve been in touch with a lot about apartments, and went to see one. It was walking distance from the university, quite a steep downhill (meaning that going to the uni will be steep uphill…) and right next to a metro station. The room was small, and shared a bathroom with another room, which was currently unoccupied also, communal kitchen, lounge area and such. The rooms have their own tv, and an internet connection, praise the lord.

Still wasn’t quite sure initially, and so we said we’d call back and think about it. After another place fell through, I thought that screw it, I’m tired of searching and such, and that seems to be quite a good place, only students and interns living there apparently. So I called up, and I’m moving in tomorrow, hooray!

Endless relief. When I called, I was sitting in Placa Catalunya, which is filled with pigeons, and kids running around trying to catch the pigeons. I was watching this, and the birds flying around, and then felt a little splat on my leg. Yep, I got a souvenier from a Barcelonian pigeon. But hey, I’ve go a place to live now, so I’m cool.

My friend is considering booking the other room in the house, but she’s not sure yet, and is actually at the moment, at 9:30 pm, checking another place out. I told her to send me an sms once she’s back so that I’ll know that she’s safe and all..

Oh, and before she left to find this other place, we were hanging out at her hostel, and I was talking to this other girl in the same room, she was apparently an exchange student elsewhere in Spain, but here on holiday. We spoke in English for a while, until she asked me where I was from. After my answer, she replied in Finnish. I did wonder that she looked a lot like a typical Finn, but didn’t dare ask…
So then the three of us played cards till my friend decided to head off to check out the new room somewhere.

But it’s time for me to fold down the screen, grab my book and get back to reading, so ttfn dear reader =).

Monday, February 13, 2006

Huge post.


Hola todos!

Sunday, and still no place to live. But tomorrow am going to see this one place after our introductory meeting at the university, and am hoping that I can live there then. It sounds good, and there are a lot of vacancies, so all should be fine and dandy.

Had a bit of a rough evening yesterday, as the stress and tiredness caught up with me, and thus was a bit teary. Then I slept 11 hours. Now things are looking up again, so hooray hooray, and here’s hoping that tomorrow I’ll have a place to live all sorted out and such. And I’ve consoled myself with the thought that if all else fails, I can always grab my stuff, hail a cab, and get myself to the airport and on the first flight home. Money is after all, only money.

I was warned though, that this would happen. A couple of my friends who’ve been on exchange have experienced the same – bursting in tears though there’s no real reason for it, and all is actually quite well. So it’s just part of the process, and hopefully I’ll get adjusted to these new surroundings soon enough.

And land a place with an internet connection, I mean seriously. Hunting for internet café’s and such is really not all that, when you’re used to a 24/7 broadband connection.

Plus the familiar technology calms me down. Even if people around me are talking in a strange language, and I don’t know my way around and all, I can always get online, read the headlines of Finnish newspapers, chat with people, read my regular webcomics, and do all the other stuff I’d do at home as well. Spose I am a bit of a nerd =).

We checked out our school today, and it was quite easy to find and to get there, so that was good.

That’s about all for now, I’ll update more again later =).


Later the same day

Hello again, tis Sunday evening, and actually only a few hours since my previous entry above.

My friend came over, and we played Canasta for a while, she won. But it was close! I only lost by 1000 points.. oh well.

As my previous post was mainly ranting and whining, spose this one might be more about what we’ve done today.

Got up around 9ish, and just over an hour later I was on my way to my friends place, as I got bored. Hung around her hostel for a bit, then decided to see if we could find our school well enough, and we did, hooray for that. Though once we got to the school we went completely around the building trying to find the main entrance, only to realize (once we’d come full-circle) that it was 10 meters from where we left off. But we found it nonetheless!

Then we came back to the city and roamed about, and had a 3 course lunch, which was quite nice. Then she left to check out the beach, and I decided to head back here to rest and read, and to listen to some Richard Cheese. Muy bueno.

I’ll be staying in this hostel for an extra day, so I can find somewhere to live, and mainly so I can store my luggage somewhere whilst I’m at the meeting tomorrow. Otherwise I’d have to check out by 12.

Still quite unimpressed by the fact that the university did not arrange housing for us. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to write that I’ve got a place to stay…

Anywho, time for some more music and reading, whilst enjoying a somewhat bruised apple my friend kindly left for me =)

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Multiple posts, hooray!

But this´ll just be a quick cone, never fear. Am having trouble getting used to the spanish keyboard btw. For example ´ that is where ' this is supposed to be. Weirdos.

Aanywho, today we did some hardcore housing hunting, and we've got a few potentials, so hooray for that. Still got a few to view, but that'll be tomorrow or monday. And the first meeting at the uni is on tuesday. Scary stuff I tells ya...

Anywho, Ive only got about 10 mins left, and still a pile to do, so more updates later people! =)



Hello hello, another day gone by living the Barcelonian life =).

Had a really good night’s sleep and a nice breakfast, and a shower in the morning, so life was looking all around fine. Had to move into another room, as there was some screw-uppance with the booking, and I spent the first night in a double room, nicely sprawled on the bed.
Now I’m in a single room, which is actually bigger than the double room. Go figure.
Then, lo and behold, I wrote the essay, which was due today.

Then my friend came over and after a brief lunch of yoghurt and strawberries (which were huge, but tasted like water) we headed off to roam the city. We found ourselves an internet-placethingy and I got to send off my essay, check my mails, and look up people to call about places to live. We checked one place out, which had gone just 30 minutes before our arrival.
So we headed back towards Placa Cataluna, and saw a huge flock of pigeons in the square, and people feeding them. Thus we bought some seeds as well, and became one with the flock. Them birds are obviously used to people, and will happily sit on your head, hand, shoulder, each other, in effort to gain a snack or two. We got some delightful pictures out of that.

As for housing -never fear, we’ll find something. Am actually currently waiting for a couple of girls to call back about a room, but we’ll see if they do..

The rest of the day was spent roaming and walking to and fro Ramblas and speaking something vaguely spanishy every now and then. Walked to the waterfront and back, and my feet know that I’ve been walking and on my feet basically from 1-10pm.

We also got lost for a bit with the winding sidestreets, but luckily the city seems to be full of helpful people who’ll point you in the right direction. Hooray! So we found our way back to my hostel, had some more strawberries, and checked the pictures of the day.

But that’s all for now, I’ll update more later =).

Friday, February 10, 2006

In Barcelona!

In Barcelona.
Well, it’s not a shit start. Could’ve been a whole pile worse, let me tell you.
I’m currently in my hostel room, I’ve got a nice comfy bed, and even a small balcony, with pretty views.
Views can be had when one is high enough, in this case 6 floors is high enough.

Whaddaya mean elevator? Pfft.

Yep, I carried my 21 kilos of stuff up the seemingly neverending stairs, and bruised my knee on the way. Sent a few messages of complaint, but did not receive adequate sympathy. Stupid lack of elevators. Honestly, who puts a hostel on the 6th floor?? Seriously.
Oh well, now it’s done, and won’t have to move my stuff around significantly for atleast four days. In that time I hope to find myself a place to live for this exchange and please please let it be on the first floor, or in a house with an elevator…

Over and out.

Later the same day

Well, it’s about 22:50, and I’m ready to pass out. Sleep is sounding reeeeally good.
After a bit of a lie-down and reading for a while my friend announced that she’s in the city as well, and thus we met up, and started roaming. It was an aimless roam, just talking and catching up, and it was really really good to see her. Before then, thoughts such as ‘what the hell am I doing here’ and ‘no seriously, why the hell am I here, I want to be home’ had been circling, but now it seems more like this might not be such a bad idea after all =).
Though am missing roommate-and-then-some a whole lot. Lots lots. I feel like I’m constantly sending him sms’s and pestering and such, but dammit, when you live with someone, you see them 24/7, you get to talk to them a lot, even if it’s not about anything, even generic chitchat and drinking tea together and all o’ that, and now I got nothing, so yeah.

Back to the rest of the evening.
We also went and had a typical Spanish dinner – fried rice in the chinese place next door. We’ll get authentic later…

Attempted doing bits for an assignment, and managed to write two paragraphs. So yes, am supposed to do an essay for tomorrow. Yep.
The plan is to finish (well, start really..) writing it tomorrow, then find an internet café and send it off, as well as post these.
Am addicted to the internet, will happily admit it. Dunno if it’s sad, or just really 21st century, but I really don’t think that I could live for extended periods of time without word processing facilities and broadband connection.

Tomorrow we’re heading off to hunt for places to live, which hopefully will be successful.

But now, off to the toilet, brush my teeth and all and pass out, ready for new adventures in the morning =).

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Countdown to Barcelona!

Well no, not really much of a countdown. I leave the day after tomorrow, so not much to count, really.

Been a catch-up -themed couple of days, yesterday an old primaryschool classmate came over with her 9mth baby gal, and we had a good nice chat after about 4 years of no-see. So that was fun and nice and all, and I got her address so I'll be throwing a card in her direction at some stage.
Then went to visit a dear friend of mine for a while, and currently am waiting for another one to head here. Plus heard of and visited the website of an old friend of mine, whom I lost contact with years and years ago. At some stage was hearing rumours that her life was somewhat messed up, but atleast now things are looking allaround dandy, so hooray =).

Am missing the roommate-and-then-some insanely, and apparently he's engaging in nerd-activities to try fill the void I left.
I could be doing some last minute assignments, but.. well.. Screw it.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Freezerville left behind..

So yes, am no longer in Freezerville, but am with the parental units, in presence of an auto-filling fridge. Thursday this week I'll be flying off to Barcelona, so I've still got a few days for last minute packing and panicking, both of which I intend to do.

Roommate-and-then-some is in Freezerville, and last night had to sleep alone in a looong time. Stupid distance. And knowing that I'll be sleeping alone for a loooong time, well...

Sigh, I tells ya, sigh.

But I'll be alright, and fine and whatnot, and by the end of the week I'll have so much new stuff going on that we'll see if I'll have enough time to sleep in the first place. Because I don't actually have a place to stay in Barcelona yet, bar from the first few days in a hostel. But yes, here's hoping that things will work out and such.

Over and yarr.