How to get on with your studies 101
Clearly a course I should take.
See, today I decided that I'd finally get around to actually studying, I'll get some work done that I've been putting off for the last bazillion weeks.
I go to my pile of books and realise that I should probably run to the shops and get food for today.
Come back, make food with RMATS, eat, have a cup of tea.
Back to the books. Of the three I have I realise that only one of them might actually be vaguely of use. I open the book.
Suddenly it dawns on me that I've got a few drawers full of stuff and they're in a desperate mess, so I should probably sort those out.
Did that, began pondering about opening that book again.
I haven't blogged in about a week, I might need to update and rant.
Am doing this now. D'uh.
So, what am I going to do after this? Go to the book? Extend a report that I should also have done a while ago, but eh, yanno. Or, should I go back to the shops and get ingredients for muffins.
I like muffins.
Well hey, at least I'm doing something semi-productive, even if I'm not studying. All hail the procrastinatory lifestyle!