Back again, ready to get to work with that thesis!
Yessirree, back from Ireland, the trip went quite nicely, though was somewhat money consuming. But tis besides the point.
The point is, that I'm back in Freezerville again, and now I need to be getting on with that thesis of mine.
Not just talking about avoiding it, or avoiding it, or talking about doing it, but actually doing it.
So I should make myself a schedule and stick to it. Which I'm horrible at. It's always easier when there's someone telling you what to do.
The good news though is that Scrubs and Grey's Anatomy have finished for the year, so not even my nearly-legal downloading habits can help me procrastinate. Here's hoping I won't find any new series to obsess about...
Who knows, I might get something productive done in the next few weeks, before I can wholeheartedly focus my attention the newest Harry Potter book. Which I've preordered. Because I'm that cool.
Tally ho!