Awww, dammit.
Missed an appointment at uni today.
Not a big huge one, but I'd agreed with the teacher myself on this particular day and time, and well - I completely forgot about it. I was so sure it would be tomorrow morning. So guess my surprise when I checked my calendar just a couple of hours ago.
Oops, I suppose.
But in any case, even if I had remembered that the appointment was for this morning, there wasn't a hell of a lot I could've done about it, as I was spending the weekend at RMATS's summer cabin & his parents place.
The cabin stint was very nice indeed, it's on a small island, so we got on a tiny motorboat, vroom, splish, splash and we were there. It's a beautiful place, and they've opted to keep the cabin sans electricity, so there's a fireplace in the middle of the room and all.
Nowadays the nights are dark again, so after lying in the sauna and skinnydipping in the too-damn-cold sea water, we sat outside and lit a few big candles, and could see similar small fires on other islands and on the coast of the mainland and and yeah. All nice and pretty and romantic and whatnot.
And now it's back to reality and organising studies and doing stuff. Pfft.
My prac starts in a week. I don't really really know what the hell I'll be doing, but hey, I'm sure things will somehow clear themselves up, and I'll come up with brilliant workshop plans on issues like equality or refugees or human rights etc.
To infinity, and beyarr!