Monday, January 30, 2006

Time for another bit of pointless rambling.

Hello hello my dear, few, readers.

Well, nothing much has happened in Freezerville lately, life is same old and no new developments.

Fair share of partying has been done, on Saturday we had a joint going-away party with a friend who's leaving for New Zealand in a couple of weeks. Lots of jelly, photos where people look just about as inebriated as they really were, and home at 3am. Sunday, surprisingly, was very very quiet.

'Interesting' tidbit of my life currently, am writing this post from a laptop, which I rented from my Freezervillian University, thus enabling net access and word processing whilst in Barcelona. Tricky getting used to this thing, gotta say that I do prefer my desktop machine.

Also my dear cousin is here for the night which is fun fun =).

That's all, folks!

.... yarr.

Monday, January 23, 2006

A minor in Theology.

And no, this is not a catholic-priest joke.

In my studies for teacherhood, I now have Theology as a minor subject.

Seriously, how I got it, I don't know. The examiners must be blind. They don't read the papers, they just want their money. I didn't really study for any of them, and I wasn't there for half the lectures, but by whichever-holy-entity-you-choose-to-believe-in, I got my credits.

As you may have guessed, am not particularly religious. So why study theology? A friend of mine asked 'Wanna study theology?' and I couldn't think of a reason for why not, so there ya go.

Though it would be really cool to be able to wed people. People would always end up regretting the times they got drunk and I was around. Quick marriages for all!

And the Lord said: Yarr.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Morning after the night before...

Stayed out till the wee hours of the morn drinking Irish Coffees. Which is probably why I managed to stay up so late, usually come 1:30am I'm ready to head off, and curl up for a good night's sleep. But thanks to the coffee didn't get to bed 'till 4am.

And sleeping was somewhat tricky, as some poor dog next door was feeling lonely and miserable, and had been howling for the whole night.
And continued.
And still does.
Sent a message to the landlord, hoping he'll go check that the owner isn't dead and gnawed to bits by now.

That's all for now, now I can go back to waiting for lunch, as roommate-and-then-some is being sweet and wonderful and cooking =).

Over and yarr.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Frickin' freezin, Mr. Bigglesworth!

When I say I live in Freezerville, I damn right live in Freezerville.

-25 today.

As in degrees Celcius.

Neg twentyfive.
Stand in a walk-in freezer, and you still aint close.

'Sposed to be colder even tomorrow. Luckily no uni for me tomorrow. But, I have for some strange reason volunteered to go skating with a friend of mine, as she has to attend a few skating lessons (the joys of teacher-education). I did mine last year I think it was, so no need for me to go really. But I will, for the bitterly cold and overfrozen hell of it.
But she's planning on bringing hot-chocolate, laced with mint liquer, with her to keep us warm.

Midday drinking amidst studies with metal bits strapped to our feet. What could possibly go wrong?


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Addicted to Etsy

And lemme tell ya, this stuff is dangerous.
Inspiration is an evil thing to get addicted to. You start visualising crazy ideas, of what if I'd do this full-time and just spend my days coming up with ideas and then creating them.
And then, you really really really have to get to the nearest craft store. All the endless supplies. All the endless ideas! Damn the day only having so many hours!

Been visiting Etsy like crazy lately, and have been infected with an creative bug. Wanting to create bags, clothes, jewellery, toys - anything. Not that I'd sell any of the stuff - it'd take way too much time and effort to start doing stuff for an online shop. Even if it'd be only one or two items, still.
Maybe eventually.

Right now I'm just using all my creative skills to do things that I like and think are cool, and thus prolly wouldn't sell them anyway.

Not that I've done a whole range of products so far, at the moment I've succeeded in creating a taxi-bag and a poor bunny who got caught on the wrong side of the lucky-rabbit-foot thing.
I have a soft toy that cringes in pain.
Quite proud of it I am =).

Enuf about that, gonna go finish my tea and then answer the sweet call of my sewing machine =)


Friday, January 13, 2006

Prepare thyself for bad luck!

Friday the 13th it is, yes.
Being awake for less than an hour often results in Yoda-talk, sorry.

Anywho, the point. Today is supposed to be bad luck for eeeeverybody, bwahahahaa!

Now personally, I'm not so big on superstition (I hope I spelled that goodly). I don't think there's some cosmic karma with a grudge against this specific day, just waiting for the chance to bite someones ass, so to speak.

But it's good that there are days like this. Say for example that I screw up something huge today. Like really really mess up. The day provides me with a tiny tiny scapegoat. It'll make a good story - 'I knew that it was Friday the 13th, but I don't really believe in that stuff, so I didn't think [Insert Crazy Intention/Situation/Action] would turn out any differently today than any other day...' And so on.

So go on. Feed the image of some big and irate universal force, who happens to hate this day (probably because some skanky force turned them down for a date on this day yonks ago), and will take it out on random people.

Über und aus.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No topic, just rambling.

Back to uni, which is good and nice. I like having the option of studying. I never really do, and leave everything to the absolute last minute, but still. I like our lectures, and as am doing a literature course now, concentrating on childrens literature, I get to read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone again, hooray!

What else, what else..?

Housing in Barcelona pains. Stupid mañana with everything. We'll do it tomorrow. She won't need confirmation on her booking, she doesn't need to know for sure that she'll have a place to stay here. We'll just take the credit card number, and things will be sweeet.

I want a hot water bottle. Shoulder keeps acting up, as it hates shoulderbags and knitting. But I like both, so I get to do what I want, but I also get a stuck and painful left shoulder.

That's about it for now. I'm still boring, as you can all plainly see.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Goin' with the flow

As shamelessly copied from Miss Snark,

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the “coolest” book you can find. Do what’s actually next to you.

"They remind me of soft thaw winds, and warm sunshine, and nearly melted snow"

Go to comments for authorial credits, y'all can guess first =).

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna learn how to fly...


Well, not mine. So yours truly will be with her feet firmly upon the ground - tis my sister whose name is up in the limelights of Blogosphere. Taking this realm by storm she is, and truly deserved aswell might I say. Her word wielding ways are quite wonderful, and am myself among the many waiting to hear about her latest adventures.

Hooray for SpongeGirl, yarr!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy new yarr to y'all

Hey hey, here we are, in the future. Spooky, aint it?

Can't think of anything interesting to write, apologies.
Oh, except that today me&him (well, him and I to be grammatically correct, but I aint never done none o' that) built a snowman, hooray! Twas fun.

Over and outage.